3 Sept 2013

Crom - Vengeance (2008)

Crom - Vengeance

Simplicity versus technical proficiency; two different sides of a coin. I believe a good metal band should always seek the middle ground between these very distinct sides, sometimes hanging a little bit towards one of them for good measure and for dynamic's sake. In my opinion, a band that sticks too much to a formula or to a predetermined songwriting trick will rapidly become stale and irrelevant, but there are some bands that can make such thing work. There are some bands that choose to be technical or simple, but they do it in such a way that it becomes part of the band's identity instead of an obstacle. Crom is one of these bands.

There is a particular (and quite well known) song I believe most of both seasoned and young metalheads alike enjoy or should enjoy, and that song is 'One Rode to Asa Bay' by good ol’ Bathory. It has something in its composition that is both powerful and driving, and it is a damn simple song in the instrumental aspect. It is the living proof that one can write non-complicated music and still sound fresh and fun as hell.

Enter Walter 'Crom' Grosse, a German musician who took this idea and perfected it, transforming it into an album of such greatness and such (moderate) simplicity that one can't help but enjoy it, even if straightforward songwriting isn't one's cup of tea.

This is viciously catchy, and I mean it. The epic, barbarian-like atmosphere is everywhere but all songs have their own identity, avoiding the common trap of writing songs that sound too much like each other. I really enjoy the flowing, organic nature of these tracks as it is truly something to behold. You won’t find any clunky, mechanical riffs or melodies here, as everything is obviously thoroughly written to be as natural and unchained as possible. Just like a raging river; its violent nature is evident, but you can still find much beauty in the way it moves and runs.

Crom’s voice is also something to behold. A very good and (from what I can hear) experienced baritone; the man is really comfortable with his range and with the songs themselves, showing no difficulty at sounding emotional, angry or saddened. Definitely one of the best and most interesting singers this subgenre has ever seen, in my opinion. Apparently he also has a nice growl, but unfortunately we don’t get to hear much of it (only in ‘The Stars Will Fall’), so I hope he roars a bit more on his next releases.

If you don’t mind a little bit of simplicity in your metal, then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this release. A veritable proof you don’t need billions of guitar solos, tempo changes and ultra-progressive songwriting to write a good album, a lesson many musicians tend to forget nowadays.

This is the type of album you listen to just to have some good old fashioned fun, like when you sing/play that particular Iron Maiden song you enjoy (yes, that one that on which the chorus is just a E D C pattern). You know its bloody simple, but you can’t help but love it every time. This is Crom’s Vengeance.

Highlights; Wings of Fire, Vengeance Part II - …and the effect, The Stars Will Fall, Fire.

copas from http://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Crom/Vengeance/204267/

01. Wings Of Fire
02. The Restless King
03. Crom
04. Vengeance Part I - The Cause...
05. Vengeance Part II - ...And The Effect
06. Unchain The Hero
07. A Life Unbearable
08. The Stars Will Fall
09. Hammer Of The Gods
10. Fire


password : idfl.us


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