20 Aug 2013

Tyr - How Far To Asgaard (2002) Re-release 2008

Tyr - How Far To Asgaard

A short time ago Ralf gave me a copy of the second album by TÝR, "Eric The Red", and I was a goner. I had to order the "How Far To Asgaard" debut, too, and what should I say: I am speechless (almost). Forever I had not heard such heart gripping music. The combo, hailing from the Faroe Isles, plays a completely original mix of Epic, Doom and Progressive Metal, enriched with some Folk elements.

Even though you can detect an influence here or there, direct comparisons don't work with this album. Who would like to hear music beyond all DREAM THEATER clones and clichés and also has a soft spot for CANDLEMASS, LIEGE LORD ("Freedom's Rise"), DOOMSWORD etc. will be highly satisfied with the two TÝR albums. TÝR's music is balm for the tortured soul!!!

Sure, the songs will take some time to fully ignite, but as halfway open minded Metalhead you can live with that, can't you? "Progressive" does not need to mean "complicated". The most accessible song most probably is the opener "Hail To The Hammer", which even MORNINGSTAR would not have to be ashamed of. A murderous hymn, perfect for the live environment. The opening melody of "Excavation" was reused on the "Eric The Red" album for the song "Regin Smidur". And why not?! "The Rune" opens up with a wild guitar melody before the music calms down and then steadily rises. Fantastic guitar work towards the end, btw.

The river sluggishly continues to flow with "Ten Wild Dogs", interspersed with some wild maelstroms. But beware: Who is caught in such a maelstrom once will be theirs forever, guaranteed! I could continue to praise song after song without exaggerating. But there is one catch, the long time until the hidden bonus track starts. That was unnecessary. Still 10 super fat points!

copas from http://www.metal-observer.com/articles.php?lid=1&id=3273

01. Hail To The Hammer
02. Excavation
03. The Rune
04. Ten Wild Dogs
05. God Of War
06. Sand In The Wind
07. Ormurin Langi
08. How Far To Asgaard
Bonus tracks:
09. Olavur Riddararos
10. Styrisvolurin


password : bidadari


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