21 Feb 2013

Dark Sky - Initium (2012)

Dark Sky - Initium (2012)

One cannot listen to DARK SKY’s latest release “Initium” and not instantly think of GRAVE DIGGER’s 2005 Power Metal release “The Last Supper”. Both releases are concept albums about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Their lyrical content follows a similar path about the betrayal of Judas, the last supper and of course the death and rebirth of Jesus. Neither album comes across as a Christian Metal release but told more as a narrative. Concept records in general are hit or miss for me but I can look past the interwoven story and lyrics and enjoy individual songs based on their own merit. Both bands also hail from Germany and you cannot deny the obvious influence GRAVE DIGGER has had on DARK SKY’s current release.
While retaining some of the more melodic hard rock sound of their earlier albums, DARK SKY is now incorporating a European Power Metal spirit with modern metal tendencies. Released through Germany’s Pure Legend Records “Initium” is DARK SKY’s fifth release and finds them exploring new directions and showing some diversity throughout the record. “The Vision” and “Lost In Confusion” are incredibly catchy sing along anthems taken right out of the modern day NOCTURNAL RITES playbook. They explore more of the Andi Deris era HELLOWEEN sound on “You’re Alive” and the heavy de-tuned chugger “Shout It Out”. The standout track is the 6:19 centrepiece “I Swear”, a QUEEN inspired Power Metal classic. Combining a chorus that won’t leave your head, orchestration that works subtly and JOURNEY inspired piano playing; they all come together and perfectly capture the essence of who DARK SKY can be when they play up to their full potential.
As a vocalist, Frank Breuninger is very skilled coming up with some captivating vocal melodies. Just about every track on “Initium” has a surprising sing-a-long chorus. I would love to see him work a little on his phonetics and enunciation even though this is a common blemish in a lot of European Power Metal. At times the lyrics are a little un-developed; this is where their Hard Rock roots rear their head. This is a power metal album though and I am not expecting introspective lyrics and can easily overlook some of those flaws. What I am expecting are some flashier and dazzling guitar solos. There simply aren’t enough of them and when we do get a lead from Steffen they are serviceable but not quite jaw dropping. The talent is there but he just might need a producer to push him to play a little bit above his ability. By incorporating a little more interplay between the guitar and keyboard in solo sections the band would benefit by making the songs a little more electrifying.
Overall, this is a much more enjoyable release than I was expecting. Regardless if GRAVE DIGGER has already utilized the same exact storyline DARK SKY’s songs are strong enough to stand on their own. I was initially unenthusiastic by the thought of reviewing this album due to the subject matter but was pleasantly proven wrong, as this is a fun, heavy, and catchy sounding record. If you are a fan of melodic Metal or Power Metal do yourself a favour and check out DARK SKY

copas dari http://www.metal-temple.com/site/catalogues/entry/reviews/cd_3/d_2/dark-sky-initium.htm

1. Initium
2. The Vision
3. Food For A Million
4. Judas 1 – Dancing With The Devil
5. Last Supper
6. Gethsemane
7. I Swear
8. Lost In Confusion
9. Interludium
10. Judas 2 – Take My Life
11. You’re Alive
12. The Rock
13. Shout It Out
14. Eternity


password : my nymph


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