6 Apr 2013

Teodor Tuff - Soliloquy (2012)

Teodor Tuff - Soliloquy
TEODOR TUFF? Bizarre band name, but then there are plenty of quality acts with strange band names. TEODOR TUFF can count themselves amongst those quality acts as well, as their debut full-length album “Soliloquy” is some ace Progressive Power Metal. The band’s style is rather interesting as well as the music which is without a doubt metallic and progressive, but the vocals are very glossy and have a decided Hard Rock vibe.
Drawing comparisons to other acts I would definitely have to name ANUBIS GATE, TRIOSPHERE and MERCENARY at their most melodic. The ANUBIS GATE reference shouldn’t come as much surprise to those of us in the know, as Jacob Hansen appears on the record as well as mixes and masters (he also did that work for MERCENARY). Now I will say that this certainly gives me a slight bit of bias as I worship the ground Jacob Hansen works on as well ANUBIS GATE and just about anything Jacob touches turns to gold. Fortunately the quality upon “Soliloquy” is undeniable. From production to musicianship and the songs themselves to the artwork this is a tour-de-force in that Scandinavian style of Progressive Power Metal which is my personal favourite music scene.
There are a notable amount of guest slots on the album, from the aforementioned Jacob Hansen to Jeff Waters and Mattias IA Eklundh. Most of the guest guitarists appear on the track “Heavenly Manna” which makes for a particularly insane guitar solo segment. There’s one thing I’m unclear on though, there is a female vocalist on the album who sounds the double of Ida "Pico" Haukland from TRIOSPHERE, yet I can’t seem to find any information on that. I’m pretty sure it’s her though, and she really works well in “Addiction” and the aforementioned “Heavenly Manna”. Sometimes guest slots can really take away from the quality of an album, fortunately on “Soliloquy” they sound perfectly natural and really adds to the experience.
The whole of “Soliloquy” is largely very good, and every song is fun, interesting and catchy. TEODOR TUFF are a really promising new act, and this could be the start of something special. Progressive Power Metal fans should buy this without hesitation, especially those who love the Scandinavian strand of the genre as much as I do. Recommended!

copas from http://www.metal-observer.com/articles.php?lid=1&sid=1&id=19263

  1. Godagar
  2. The Last Supper
  3. Addiction
  4. Mountain Rose
  5. Hymn (For An Embattled Mind)
  6. Delusions of Grandeur
  7. Heavenly Manna
  8. Deng’s Dictum
  9. Lullaby
  10. Mind Over Matter
  11. Tower of Power

password : bidadariku


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