6 Nov 2013

Mesmerize - Paintropy (2013)

Mesmerize - Paintropy

Those Italian mesmerizers have spawned another tale of wonder with their new master planned offering “Paintropy”. This hot lead lure of the tempting cold stainless steel is their first full-length in over eight years, with the same solid line-up intact. MESMERIZE have been in existence for well over two decades, and I have always been impressed with what these voracious vultures produce.

The album begins with the intense “It Happened Tomorrow” where the fulminating Folco Orlandini begs God to kill him today. This is followed by the future word slogan run of “” without any artificial apology. The guitars are spot on, and the distorted bite of the blade and sting of the axes run the gamut of a man searching for a desperate way out of the endless ecstasy of lies. Each promised shadow at the edge of perception is one door away from the bitter chill of reality. This is why the power of “Desperate Way Out” is so relentless. It as if Mr. Andrea Garavaglia's drums are increased by each threat of pending damnation.

You know, I wonder if the talent behind Punishment 18 Records chose April Fool's Day for the release as an inside joke. I know that I am curious as to whether this album has some sort of concept or binding presupposition. MESMERIZE seem less drawn to gather fantasy themes, or proclaim their fondness for their favourite films. When in the past they were more like DOMINE or LABYRINTH, now they have evolved and portray a more Progressive persuasion. Evidently, they are more tuned in to the mindless torment of everyday survival. Thus, the menacing music and each note of anguish underlines their constant struggle and wrangle against the soul of society.

“Monkey In Sunday Best” may appear as a silly song title, but the lyrics suggest much more. Although, Falco's apish grunts are a bit too cliché'. The fierce burning within cry of “Within Without” has a strong ARTHEMIS meets ALLTHENIKO force majeure. The screaming aimed fiery lyrics follow a certain divine ward presence. The title track is the real catapult which wields the hellish content, and even has a few harsh vocals added to balance the malignancy. This is a fast example of the intense accelerated entropy of the pure pain-filled revelation.

The semi-misogynistic “Mrs. Judas” deals with betrayal and disappointment. If I were Jesus, I could relate to this annoying, cloying constant regret. The groovy “You Know I Know” is a bit off the beaten path, and it calls to mind the trend Swedish acts like GRAVEYARD have now popularized. This is not as moody as BLUE CHEER or as doom-laden as SABABTH or SHEAVY. In fact, it has more of a STEPPENWOLF meets MOODY BLUES hue of awareness to it. The declared war journey of “Masterplan” itself is not benign, but pulsating with feverish alacrity and enslaves the listener with its sonic allusions.

The choice to cover the CRANBERRIES with the song “Promises” is not altogether ideal, but then again I urge you to check out what ARTHEMIS did with “Pop Up Your Ass (Vol. 1)”. I just wish this song itself would not linger, and was a bit more heavy and intense, and not merely just chasing the windfall.

Essentially, this is another worthy and priceless release by these aware wolves of wonder and most tracks outline their flat-out intentions. I still prefer “Stainless” and “Tales Of Wonder”, but I know “Paintropy” will leave its indelible mark and make a triumphant stand, forging each dark word into my soul, all in due time.

copas from http://www.metal-temple.com/site/catalogues/entry/reviews/cd_3/m_2/mesmerize-paintropy.htm

Genre: Thrash / Power Metal
Country: Italy
Year of publication: 2013
Audio codec: MP3
Format: tracks
Bitrate: 320 kbps
Duration: 53:05

01. It Happened Tomorrow
03. A Desperate Way Out
04. Monkey In Sunday Best
05. Midnight Oil
06. Within Without
07. One Door Away
08. Paintropy
09. Shadows At The Edge Of Perception
10. Mrs. Judas
11. You Know I Know
12. Masterplan
13. Promises


password : my nymph


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