18 Aug 2013

Vallendusk - Black Clouds Gathering (2013)

Vallendusk - Black Clouds Gathering

Upon first listen, one would not think that Indonesian black metallers, Vallendusk, was a band only in their infancy. Formed a short time ago, in 2011, they have created a sound for themselves so epic and mature that it is hard to comprehend how they have not taken many years to perfect their craft. With black metal, heavily melodic and post atmospheric, Vallendusk has woven poetic tales and heartfelt songs with the roots of nature itself.

Following up 2012's self-titled EP, Vallendusk has released their full-length debut in Black Clouds Gathering, a collection of seven melodic masterpieces. Although these songs are astonishing in their composition, the collection as a whole does come with a few minor criticisms. First of all, it cannot be denied that Vallendusk has the ability to write some of the most majestic sounding music ever. These songs are just wonderfully warm and heartfelt as well as being beautifully appeasing to the ear. Lacking black metal's typical "coldness", Black Clouds Gathering is more of an emotional pendulum of high apexes and soft, sullen valleys. There is also the album's uniqueness as being a very well produced work with a rich and full sound.

Vallendusk has formulated songs building climaxes interwoven with acoustic interludes and post rock passages. What really drives this band is the guitar work. They stand in the fore front creating an atmosphere of what is, at times up-beat, and victorious, and at others more of a subdued, depressive wall of sound. While comprising the majority of the compositions, they do not, however, over-power or out-shine the astounding performances of the vocalist and drummer. As a whole, Vallendusk runs a tight ship, and Black Clouds Gathering perfectly purveys the band's proficiencies with balance.

Black Clouds Gathering is a substantial album comprised with substantial songs. Each work averages a duration of about 9 minutes in length adding to the band's already powerful sound, a feeling of epic grandeur. While each song is astounding in its own right, Vallendusk never breaks form throughout the duration of the album. As the record progresses, it is easy to lose one's self within the seemingly redundant pace as if one 70 minute song. While getting "lost within the music" is something to strive for, what Black Clouds Gathering lacks is a composure that lends the listener points of reference along the way. It may become easy for some listeners to have a feeling of being overwhelmed or find a lack of attention about midway through.

Overall, Vallendusk has debuted a very powerful and stunning work with Black Clouds Gathering. As the band continues to grow, it is assured they will continue to evolve beyond their already well-crafted parameters and put forth some of the best metal music the world as ever heard. Listeners with a tendency for more of a brutal and evil sound may want to pass on this release, but for those interested in a deeper and thoughtful approach, Black Clouds Gathering is a must have. Either way, Vallendusk will be deservingly appreciated by both if not for just their sheer talent and song writing abilities. This is quality metal by a band with a bright future.
***Originally written for and by www.deathportal.net

01. Fragments Of Light [09:28]
02. To Wander And Beyond [08:00]
03. Shades Of Grey [08:44]
04. Into The Mist [08:48]
05. Among The Giants [09:28]
06. Realms Of The Elder [09:45]
07. Land Of The Lurking Twilight [13:04]


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