13 Aug 2013

Sacred Steel - The Bloodshed Summoning (2013)

Sacred Steel - The Bloodshed Summoning

I had never heard Sacred Steel before this and I must say I was pleasantly surprized. I didn't hold much hope for this CD for the simple fact that so many bands seem to be riding the "steel" bandwagon so to speak. I was in fear that this band was yet another band of this particular genre with nothing new to offer. Even though this band is described as epic power metal, I feel there is so much more than that here but this band is most definitely epic. Having 8 full-length releases and a handful of others under their belt, I will have to go back and check out the back catalogue to see how the band has progressed to the awesome sound that is on "The Bloodshed Summoning".

Along with being considered power metal, you can tell a really heavy thrash influence as well. early on in this CD I felt a really cool vibe of Sodom/Sabbat going on. The riffing is pretty classic and in parts is pretty reminiscent of Iron Maiden. On top of that, lovers of the band Nevermore will most definitely dig this album. Nothing too simplistic but yet not too complex or technical either. A lot of thought went into the riffs and solos here. A nice polished sound where necessary while in other areas a nice effective dirty, gritty sound. A really well placed use of musical ability where the guitars are concerned. I really liked the drumming on this CD. For some reason it reminded me of the work on Iced Earth's "Night of the Storm Rider". This guy could rate right up there with Gene Hoglan, Paul Bostaph, Dave Lombardo and other drummers of the like. Yes, he's that good. Absolute precision 100% of the time throughout the album. He makes it seem so effortless which adds a certain intensity to the CD. The vocalist does an excellent job putting the different vocal patterns exactly where they need to go. He doesn't use just one type of vocal throughout the album. He goes all the way from a Sabbat/Sanctuary/Nevermore type vocal in some parts to an almost Sodom sounding vocal in other parts. A really nice range going on in these tunes and it adds a nice little touch of originality which is another plus for this band. I may be wrong but as far as the lyrical content goes, this seems to be a concept album. But most definitely it has a really dark theme and the presentation of this material is near flawless. For me the highlights of this cd were "No God/No Religion", "The Bloodshed Summoning", "Crypts of the Fallen" and "Doomed to Eternal Hell ".

If you're already a fan of Sacred Steel then you will most definitely want to get this cd as well. If you have never heard this band before then this would be a really nice introduction to a band who should be at the forefront, if not the lead, of their respective genre.

copas from http://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Sacred_Steel/The_Bloodshed_Summoning/359177/

1. Storm OfFire 1916
2. No God / No Religion
3. When TheSiren Calls
4. The Darkness of Angels
5. The Bloodshed Summoning
6. Under The Banner OfBlasphemy
7. Black Towers
8. Crypts of the Fallen
9. The Night They Came ToKill
10. Join TheCongregation
11. Journey Into Purgatory
12. Doomed to Eternal Hell
13. Perversions Of TheScriptures
14. Unbinding TheChains
15. Dig Up Her Bones (Misfits cover)


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