19 Aug 2013

Rezinwolf - Corruption Kingdom (2013)

Rezinwolf - Corruption Kingdom

I hadn’t heard of Rezinwolf until a few days ago when I was asked to review this album. The challenge that all new bands face is actually being heard above the noise of countless others all trying to be heard at the same time as you. It’s even more difficult for British bands to make a name for themselves right now, as despite metals heritage being firmly rooted here, it’s now dominated by American acts. But rest assured, on the strength of ‘Corruption Kingdom’ it won’t be long before Rezinwolf’s is the voice that is heard above the others. Hailing from Harwich in Essex, the four piece have crafted a noise that is both exhilarating and impassioned, and will put a big smile on most metal fans faces. It certainly put one on mine.

It becomes immediately apparent on the first proper track ‘Rage Against Us’ that the band are not messing around. It’s a tight, fast and brutal number which echo’s the best of Slayer, and mixes it up with the ‘Gothenburg’ dynamics favoured by bands such as In Flames and Children of Bodom. With its vocal refrain of ‘never surrender’ it is a mission statement of a song, immediate and unafraid.

But it isn’t until the next track ‘Hail To Armageddon’ we find out who Rezinwolf really are. An utterly ruthless track that never pauses for breath, drags the listener in then refuses to let go. Combining a classical metal approach with the vicious, cutting guitar work of modern thrash, it’s a beast of a song that had my head thrashing back and forth with glee. ‘Beyond The Rapture’ and ‘Onset of Plagues’ are both fist throwing, soaring epics that could rouse even the laziest of listeners to action.

rezinwolfThe dynamic approach is, at times, sublime; mixing the speed and precision of thrash with slower, heavier riffing to create a razor sharp, yet organic sound. The whole thing flows together with a synchronicity that few bands possess. Whether it’s the ferocious, impassioned vocals; the venomous and technically brilliant guitar work, or the artillery tight rhythm section, everything comes together in a maelstrom of noise and excitement.

The band wear their influences unashamedly on their sleeves at times (Arm The Rebels recalls ‘Rust In Peace’ era Megadeth maybe a little too much) but for the most part they transcend them and forge their own identity. If this is just the beginning of things for Rezinwolf then I can only imagine with excitement of what may come next. Their intentions are clear: stand up, take notice, and they will be heard!

copas from http://www.ukhorrorscene.com/rezinwolf-corruption-kingdom-2013-cd-review/

01. Corruption Kingdom 00:53
02. Rage Against Us 04:16
03. Hail To Armageddon 04:14
04. Beyond The Rapture 03:42
05. Tomb Of The Incarcerated 02:59
06. Flag Runs Red 01:06
07. To Arm The Rebels 04:45
08. Onset Of Plagues 05:18
09. And Hell Followed With Him 06:13


password : idfl.us


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