22 Aug 2013

Heavatar - Opus I: All My Kingdom (2013)

Heavatar - Opus I: All My Kingdom

HEAVATAR is the new project founded by Stefan Schmidt, one of the brains behind the amazing VAN CANTO. As a huge fan of VAN CANTO, I had very high expectations for this CD when I heard that it was coming out.

Right out of the gate, the CD opens with the rocking tune, "Replica", which is very similar to the VAN CANTO sound only with amazing guitars and bass cranked into it. Right away, you can tell that this is going to be a fun ride. "Abracadabra" keeps the music pumping with huge harmonies, slamming rhythms, and a nice twist on a classic Beethoven style riff.

Schmidt's voice sounds absolutely amazing here. the vocals are dead on in that Eric Adams / MANOWAR type of way. From the perfect "gang" style melodies to the higher range notes, he carries these tunes perfectly.

"Elysium at Dawn" really cranks the guitars and drums to a frantic pace. If you don't have your fist in the air for this tune, you might want to check your pulse. It's just one of those blood pumping tunes that kicks you in the balls. "Long Way Home" continues in that style, really letting the bass playing of David Vogt shines here.

The song that really lustres here though is the almost 12 minute long "The Look Above". This is one of those epic, sweeping style tunes that BLIND GUARDIAN and MANOWAR have perfected over the years. The tune starts slow but once the chorus kicks in, it's balls out!

What Schmidt has done here is take what VAN CANTO started and expanded it into a full blown Metal attack. The guitars are razor sharp, the bass thunderous, the drums like machine guns, with vocals that just top it all off. This is a great first CD for the band and leaves them plenty of room to still grow in new directions.

If there's any complaint with this, it would only be that it's only nine songs long. I could have easily listened to another 20 minutes of this here.

copas from http://www.metal-temple.com/site/catalogues/entry/reviews/cd_3/h_2/heavatar-opus-i-all.htm

1. Replica
2. Abracadabra
3. All my Kingdoms
4. Elysium at Dawn
5. Long Way Home
6. Born to fly
7. Luna! Luna!
8. The Look Above
9. To the Metal


password : nymph


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