19 Jul 2013

Little Atlas - Automatic Day (2013) FLAC

Little Atlas - Automatic Day
It's been 5 years, but the US progressive rock act that calls themselves Little Atlas have returned to the scene with their latest release for 10t Records, titled Automatic Day. If you dug both Hollow and Wanderlust, their two most recent efforts, chances are you'll really enjoy this tasty 'little' treat from this Florida collective. 10t Records, as always, have done a marvelous job on the presentation of this fine CD, complete with glorious artwork & graphics from label honcho Steve Carroll, superb production from the band, a nice mix courtesy of bassist Rik Bigai, and an awesome mastering done by non other than Grammy winner Joe Palmaccio.

As with previous albums from Little Atlas, the focus is generally on the sumptuous vocal melodies & harmonies, expertly backed up by crisp, tight instrumentation. Though this is without a doubt a 'prog-rock' album, the band rarely goes off into endless meanderings, instead making every note count and all-important to the overall craft of each song. A perfect example is the muscular and quite adventurous "Twin of Ares", a memorable track that features some intense musical passages that complement the song and provide plenty of drama-virtuoso guitar & keyboard work for sure, but never overindulgent by any means. Crisp, melodic rockers like "Apathy" and "Illusion of Control" fluctuate from passionate sections to moments of almost progressive metal bombast along the lines of Dream Theater , while the moodier, and quite lush tracks "Emily True" and "At the End of the Day" just soar with emotional vocal performances from keyboard player Steve Katsikas. At times I'm reminded a bit of UK acts like Pendragon, IQ, and Arena on some of these pieces. Gotta love the catchy line 'A penny for your thoughts would leave you a rich man inside' on the dreamy "We All Remember Truth", a thoroughly addicting tune that mixes lush prog with hook laden pop, and the darker, mysterious title track is a must hear for fans of Porcupine Tree.

Basically, Automatic Day is full of alluring melodies and layer upon layer of intelligent, crisp musical arrangements. Toss in plenty of insightful, thought provoking lyrics and you have another winner from Steve Katsikas, Roy Strattman, Mark Whobrey, and Rik Bigai.

copas from http://www.seaoftranquility.org/reviews.php?op=showcontent&id=14589

1) Oort
2) Apathy
3) Twin of Ares
4) Emily True
5) At the End of the Day
6) Illusion of Control
7) Darvocet Eyes
8) We All Remember Truth
9) Automatic Day
10) Escape Velocity


password : bidadariku


  1. Hope you all check out the album and consider purchasing it. It is only $4.99 for the whole album and helps us continue to write, record, and release!


  2. thanks for your info
    i have changed link with your link to buy your album
    hope you can continue to write and record your song


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