17 Jul 2013

Chronosphere - Envirusment (2012)

Chronosphere - Envirusment

As of lately Greece has really crafted itself a nice underground Metal scene. So it was no surprise that when I started to look into the retro-Thrash band CHRONOSPHERE that Greece would be their country of origin. Although I have little Thrash from that area of the world, its nice to know that Thrash is bubbling up there too, even if the band’s debut “Envirusment” is a little by the numbers for my taste.

CHRONOSPHERE is not afraid to really just embrace the older style of Thrash that has come to be such a trend for many others. The production is slightly raw and rough to give it an older sound and the band certainly writes in a way that homages bands like EXODUS and others from the Bay Area. Although these influences might be upfront, it’s hard for a Thrash fan not to find it enjoyable in some senses as these Greeks rip through their album with strong focus.

The writing does tend to be a little too safe at times as “Envirusment” sticks to the basics here. Even the acoustic intro of “Hypnosis” and the strong sense of guitar chemistry between the fast riffing and solo work on tracks like “Light Leading Maze” just seemingly fall into place rather than rising above the norm. The rapid fire drumming (which does utilize double bass work to keep a lot of the forward motion for many tracks) and the occasional bass pops help give it a slightly modern twist, but the Punk energy and twists are rather formulaic in the end. The formula works, as it did in the 80s and still does, and when the band is at the top of their game on songs like “Genetically Determined” with its fun and Punky chorus (about gender equality nonetheless), the album works and for Thrash fans there is still plenty to enjoy.

Unfortunately, “Envirusment” is an album that will more than likely end up swept away in the flood of other Thrash Metal acts. It’s a record that contains a lot of energy and fun bouncing moments that will produce a strong foundation for their work later on, but it’s written in a rather formulaic way that we’ve already heard a hundred times prior to this. CHRONOSPHERE is mostly for Thrash fans looking for something new at this point.

Songs to check out: “Genetically Determined”, “War Infection”, “Hypnosis.”

copas from http://www.metal-observer.com/articles.php?lid=1&id=19677

  1. Thrash In Cold Blood
  2. Light Leading Maze
  3. Never Better
  4. No Evidence
  5. Hypnosis
  6. Genetically Determined
  7. Envirusment
  8. War Infection
  9. Shark Attack (Demo)
  10. Hypnosis (Demo)

password : idfl.us


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