15 Jun 2013

Extrema - The Seed Of Foolishness (2013)

Extrema - The Seed Of Foolishness

According to Extrema's people they have had, "astonishing career," are a, "much celebrated Thrash Metal machine" and that The Seed of Foolishness, "takes its inspiration from a series of events that led to the economic crisis that we are all suffering today, providing therapy for all the anger and frustration resulting from it." Ergo Extrema are commenting upon the terrible state in which the world finds itself and what could reflect that more than a goat(?) headed business man flipping the bird on the cover – one of the worst album covers I've seen for quite a while. That said, we won't be listening to the cover will we, so what's the music like?

It is thrash metal unsurprisingly! Tracks like "The Distance" (and most others actually) are pretty brutal without ever doing enough to stand out from the pack. Therein lies the major problem with The Seed of Foolishness, namely that there is nothing on offer that we haven't heard before and mostly heard done slightly better. There is very little wrong with this album in the sense that it sounds fine, is well-played and well-produced in a let's annoy the rest of the street kind of way but it just isn't memorable enough. Even the over-arching, "isn't the word shit?" theme is difficult to discern or remember more than a minute or two after the album has concluded.

copas from http://www.seaoftranquility.org/reviews.php?op=showcontent&id=14483

    Between The Lines
    The Politics
    Pyre of Fire
    The Distance
    Again And Again
    Ending Prophecies
    Deep Infection
    Sick and Tired
    A Moment Of Truth


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