14 Feb 2013

ReinXeed - Welcome to The Theater (2012) Japanese Edition

ReinXeed - Welcome to The Theater (2012)

Sweden’s ReinXeed remains one of the more productive bands within the power metal scene, having released five full length albums in as many years.  The group made significant musical steps and strides over its first three - The Light (2008), Higher (2009) and Majestic (2010) - prior to coming into its own on the fourth, 1912 (2011).  What set 1912 apart is how it (as described in the 85% Angelic Warlord review) “takes things to the next level in terms of songwriting, performance and production” while (featuring) “perhaps the strongest collection of songs ever from ReinXeed” and “standout melodies that almost come across Theocracy-like in capacity”.
Welcome To The Theater, the fifth ReinXeed album from the spring of 2012, maintains the group’s penchant for bombastic melodic power metal fused with elements of the epic and symphonic.  Enticed by non-stop double bass, mercurial riffs, shredding lead guitar, instrumental excursions galore and high end vocals?  Then you will not be disappointed in ReinXeed!
Helping to define Welcome To The Theater is the manner in which it uses cinematic keyboards and orchestral overtures.  Which is not surprising considering that Welcome To The Theater stays true to its namesake as a concept album revolving around movie soundtrack themes.  In terms of specifics, each song is about a movie while incorporating musical references and lyrical hints from the film in question.  No, I will not provide a spoiler mentioning specific movies covered but they are of the blockbuster action variety (think Jurassic Park, The Patriot, Spider Man, etc).
The stronger Welcome To The Theater material showcases the same quality that made 1912 such a standout release.  Repeated play reveals Welcome To The Theater to feature six songs that both rank with the groups best and successfully capturing the feel of Hollywood at the same time.
Long term fans know that ReinXeed can set a relentless tempo and such is the case with speed metal romps “Life Will Find A Way” (impelled by front to back galloping riffs) and “Somewhere In Time” (with its non-stop impetus and double bass).  What stands out about the two is how they do not sacrifice melody for the speed therein.  The same can be said for “Follow Me” (taking a classic melodic metal based approach) and “Freedom” (with its enticing progressiveness).
When ReinXeed slows the pace - at least somewhat! – it maintains the same caliber of songwriting.  Best exemplifying this are mid-paced pieces “Stranger Tides” (as a result of its brilliant baritone refrain) and “No Fate” (almost playing up a medieval touch).
The quality, unfortunately, drops off with the albums remaining material.  “Save Us”, featuring a vocal trade off between founding member Tommy ReinXeed and Frida Viberg, falls a bit flat (aside to the weakness of the chorus, female vocals do not seem to fit the ReinXeed sound).  Likewise, “Temple Of The Crystal Skulls” and “Welcome To The Theater” are lacking- at least to my ears.  The problem revolves around how the two almost come across “forced” in their attempt to adhere to the albums cinematic soundtrack approach.
Tommy ReinXeed continues to bring his trademark pristine and pure high end vocal style.  One cannot help but appreciate how he can go for a falsetto-like high note without overdoing it in the process.  This type of maturity allows for comparison to contemporaries such as Lance King, Ski (Faith Factor) and Eli Prinsen (The Sacrificed, Sacred Warrior).
He also forms a top shelf guitar team with Calle Sunderg. I do not know who handles what solo on which song but the results are impressive in lending an overall neo-classical vibe.  Plenty of blazing leads licks and chops make their presence felt along with harmonies and melodies in abundance- as can be found throughout the albums numerous instrumental excursions.
Production is on the same level of 1912 with its near perfect joining of refined keyboards and rhythm guitar in just the right amount.
When at the top of its game, ReinXeed ranks alongside anyone in the melodic power metal genre (note the previous Theocracy reference).  The problem, however, is that Welcome To The Theater, similar to 1912, is somewhat inconsistent.  My review of 1912 noted how the group might be overextending itself in the productivity department with the end result a filler track or song on the average side of things slipping through the cracks.  And such is the case here.  Consider that songwriting Tommy ReinXeed has come up with 54 songs in just five years- and that does not account for his work in his other band Golden Resurrection.
So perhaps a much needed break or change of pace is in order.  Hence, I close with the same advise to the group offered in the 1912 review: And that is to “wait several years before putting out the next ReinXeed album in order to give yourself the time to come up with 10 to 11 great songs (in the same manner that Theocracy did between Mirror Of Souls and As The World Bleeds).”  I know that ReinXeed has a great album in the 90% to 95% range in them- let’s hope they take the time to come up with enough quality material to reach said goal.

copas dari http://www.angelicwarlord.com/reviews/r/reinxeed12.html

1. Welcome (Intro)
2. Life Will Find A Way
3. Follow Me
4. Save Us
5. Stranger Tides
6. Somewhere In Time
7. Freedom
8. No Fate
9. Temple Of The Crystal Skulls
10. Welcome To The Theater


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