29 Dec 2012

Festival Rock Se-Indonesia ke 7 (1993)

Festival Rock Se-Indonesia ke 7 Tracklist  1. Andromedha (Surabaya) - Emosi  2. Cassanova (Yogyakarta) - Tengara  3. Pratama Rock Band (Bengkulu) - Salam 3 Jari  4. Phytagoras (Surabaya) - Taksaka Seta  5. Aceh Rock Band (Langsa, Aceh Timur) - Manusia  6. Scandal Rock Band (Semarang) - Syair Kebebasan  7. Sahara (Bandung) - Dunia  8. Metal Force (Solo) - Benteng Benteng Raksasa  9. CB Band...

Fimbulthier - Rise (2010)

Fimbulthier - Rise The first time I got to know about Fimbulthier was at Ragnarök Festival 2008 where they still were a bunch of guys clad in school uniforms who didn't know if they wanted to be a pagan metal or a melodic death metal band. I won't lie to you: that was clearly the worst of all 28 performances I had seen that weekend. Logically it came as quite a shock when I found out that Fimbulthier signed a record deal with Trollzorn Records....

28 Dec 2012

Kamelot - Silverthorn (2012)

Kamelot - Silverthorn Kamelot has established themselves as the big dog in the over-the-top, pompous, windbagy power metal genre. While output like Siege Perilous, The Fourth Legacy and Karma won me over with professional, energetic, classy power metal, things ultimately became too poofy and indulgent. As they steadily ramped up the self-important grandiosity, we reached a point where things felt more like an evening at the (ghost) opera with...

27 Dec 2012

Epica - Design Your Universe (2009) FLAC

Epica - Design Your Universe After Epica's previous album, The Divine Conspiracy, Epica had a hell of a job to improve upon what they had already done. Their previous albums were all improvements over what came before and at some point that run of improvement has to end... right? Well not on this occasion. If anything, Epica have produced an album better than anything they have done before. There is just as much bombast as with previous efforts...

25 Dec 2012

Thy Majestie - ShiHuangDi (2012)

Thy Majestie - ShiHuangDi TKP password : bidada...

24 Dec 2012

Ereb Altor - Gastrike(2012) CUE+FLAC+LOG

Ereb Altor - Gastrike It seems obscurity begets even greater obscurity in the underground music scene. You see, Ereb Altor is a highly obscure side project by members of the only slightly less obscure (but good) doom band Isole. Ereb Altor began life as a viking/folk infused doom band intent on shamelessly worshipping Bathory‘s Hammerheart opus, and to their credit, they did some pretty amazing things with such a single-minded inspiration....

22 Dec 2012

Haggard - And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer

Haggard - And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer(FLAC) 1997      Symphonic metal         Doom metal personilnya banyak sekali nih om, band mini orchestra dengan musik metal     "Chapter 1: The Day As Heaven Wept" – 5:46     "Chapter 2a: Origin Of a Crystal Soul" – 5:55     "Chapter 2b: Requiem in D-Minor" – 2:08     "Chapter 3a:...

21 Dec 2012

Crimfall - The Writ of Sword (2011) APE

Crimfall - The Writ of Sword Crimfall is a young soul; it came to being on a wildfire season, autumn 2007 as a one mans vision. Jakke composed a demo of three songs just for himself but he soon noticed that the material was unique, diverse and strong to stand on its own feet in front of wider audiences. What was still needed was some talent to fulfill the forceful yet melancholic music he had composed, someone to bring the stories of...

Damnation Angels - Bringer Of Light (Japanese Edition) 2012

Damnation Angels - Bringer Of Light An unknown British band that beats at it’s own game the entire Scandinavian Symphonic Metal Scene? Impossible, I will probably hear you say. This is the debut full length album by this skilled bunch from England. After a 6 tracks EP self-released in 2009 handled by another vocalist, who left quickly, there was a turning point. If you compare most of the tracks that were already a part of the good old “Shadow...

19 Dec 2012

Crown of Life - Devisions (2012)

Crown of Life - Devisions Tracklist: 01. Delusions 0:19 02. Delusional 03:07 03. Staplehead 05:53 04. Burns 05:04 05. Loose Change 04:26 06. Yesterday 06:20 07. Messenger 04:57 08. TTMEC 04:07 09. INVAIN 03:41 10. Doug 05:30 11. Doors 04:41 12. Pair O' Socks 05:34 13. Cold Wet Eyes 06:39 14. Mourning Would? 06:55 15. Devisions 07:24 TKP password : nym...

18 Dec 2012

Skull Branded Pirates - An Oath Sworn On Broken Bones(2012)

Skull Branded Pirates - An Oath Sworn On Broken Bones tracklist 1. 1684 03:24 2. Man the Cannons 04:44 3. Masters of the Trade 05:54 4. The Ballad of One-Tooth McGuyver 04:44 5. Straight Outta Kingston (Doin' It for the Booty) 05:13 6. An Oath Sworn On Broken Bones 02:13 7. The Three Trials 05:07 8. Free the Slaves 04:56 9. Drink Till Dawn 05:09   TKP password : bidadariku ...

12 Dec 2012

Rebellion - Shakespeare's Macbeth(A Tragedy in Steel) 2002

Rebellion - Shakespeare's Macbeth First Album of Rebellion Tracklist: Introduction Disdaining fortune The prophecy Husbandry in heaven The dead arise Evil speaks Letters of blood Revenge Claws of madness Demons rising Die with harness on your back  FLAC version Added TKP Password : nymph...

9 Dec 2012

Scott D Davis - Pianotarium : A Tribute to Metallica(2007)

Scott D Davis - Pianotarium : A Tribute to Metallica Pianotarium is a piano tribute album to Metallica by Scott D. Davis. It contains eight piano covers of Metallica songs and three original compositions. Davis had been a Metallica fan since his teenage years; explaining the genesis of the album to the Sacramento News & Review, he said: "I’ve been a huge Metallica fan since I was 14, and have wanted to do this album for a long time. I had...

5 Dec 2012

Scott D Davis - Rockfluence (2005)

Scott D Davis - Rockfluence Tracklist 01. Sweet Child O Mine (6:46) 02. Hotel California (9:00) 03. My Immortal (5:30) 04. Nothing Else Matters (7:09) 05. Smells Like Teen Spirit (6:12) 06. Stairway to Heaven (7:41) 07. In the End (4:23) 08. Wanted Dead or Alive (5:22) 09. Open Arms (3:50) 10. Final Countdown (6:13) 11. White Wedding (4:24) 12. Scherzo (3:35) TKP password : bidada...

2 Dec 2012

Tales of Evening - Hajlektalan Lelek (2012)

Tales of Evening - Hajléktalan lélek Tales Of Evening is a hungarian melodic metal band formed at the beginning of 2011. The idea came from the band’s keyboardist. He would have liked to hear his own instrumental, film music, atmospheric songs in another guise, so he recruited musicians who also like this genre. The team thus formed with specific plans and determination, so they began to record the songs in the studio, played in a completely...

1 Dec 2012

Aesma Daeva - The Eros Of Frigid Beauty (2002) APE

Aesma Daeva - The Eros Of Frigid Beauty The Eros of Frigid Beauty is a concept album dealing with Odysseus and The Odyssey and it does a compelling job of portraying the dramatic sentiment of the characters and the storyline...opting for manic bursts of hyper, chugging guitars playing footsy with majestic trumpet flourishes, psychedelic keyboard attacks, beautiful acoustic guitar alchemy, flute cameos, and powerfully reflective piano suites....